Efek Miras Dalam Fotografi Ekspresi
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Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta
Faizah, Noviana
fotografi ekspresi 
2021-08-29 00:26:37 
Abstract :
In the traditions and culture in Indonesia, even throughout the world, it is known as one of the practices of consuming liquor. Although in law and the state as well as religiously, the consumption of liquor has been regulated in a certain order, but in reality there are still many people who consume alcohol. This is done for reasons of necessity because of the weather, as well as entertainment reasons, and so on. The drinkers will usually experience certain effects, sometimes even related to certain actions, due to the alcohol content that can cause decreased alertness or self-consciousness. The effect of liquor is an important aspect in this creation, namely to capture the moment of expression of the drinking subject, as part of the photographer's medium of expression and the subject of photography. In this creation, it appears that the subjects often show various expressions and attitudes that are out of the ordinary due to the influence of alcohol. This creation is done by using the method of exploration and experimentation. Each stage that is carried out is based on a literature review in the form of expression photography, EDFAT and non-verbal semiotics. This is done as an effort to create art photos that are able to display the reality of expression as a potential in the aesthetic concept of photography. This creation resulted in the conclusion that the EDFAT approach used was able to help create varied photos, in terms of angle and composition. Besides that, expression photography that is used as a reference is also able to encourage writers to explore aesthetic potentials as a representation of experiences as outlined in the photos created. The analysis of the expressions and attitudes of the subjects that appear in each photo is carried out using the theory of non-verbal semiotics in which each expression and attitude shown contains certain meanings related to their social life. 
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Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta