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Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
SARYOTO, NIM. 09150070
Sastra Inggris 
2015-10-15 04:03:18 
Abstract :
An author of a literary work tends to bring the values based on his/her religious background. Thus, the message of the work represents the values of the author‟s religion. A literary work, however, can be analyzed using other religious perspective. This research aims to reveal the values in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows novel through the Islamic perspective. The novel is written by a Christian author, JK. Rowling. By ignoring the religious background of the author, it is derived the Islamic values from the novel. Moreover, the values found in the novel are then interconnected to several issues of Muslims in Indonesia as one of the countries which translate the novel. This research applies the Semiotic theory by adopting „Peircean Sign‟ which consists of three parts: representamen, object, and interpretant. Thus, the Islamic values are the interpretant of the symbol found in the novel. The Islamic approach in this research applies Arifin‟s view about dimension of Islamic values. Moreover, the method of this research is qualitative-descriptive. Hence, the result of this research is presented in tables. This research results that there are several Islamic values in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows novel which are divided into three dimensions of life: (1) the dimension which contains the values in gaining life prosperity in the world which consists of Room of Requirement, Blood Classification, Coming of Age, and The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore; (2) the dimension which contains the values to motivate human in gaining happiness in the hereafter which consists of The Deathly Hallows, The Horcruxes, and Harry‟s Protection; and (3) the dimension which contains the values to compile both the world life and the hereafter importance which consists of Dementors and Voldemort‟s Fear of Death. Furthermore, from the Islamic values, some of them have relevance with several issues of Muslim in Indonesia. The issues are the diversity of Indonesian Muslim, corruption cases, the belief to mystical objects, penalty of evil acts, and the phenomena of supernatural creatures in the Islamic society of Indonesia. According to the analysis, the writer concludes that Islamic values – as part of general values – can exist in every literary work. Besides that, Jews, Christian, and Islam claim that religious values in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows novel are in accordance with each religion. It shows that in fact, there is a relation among the three religions. Jews, Christian, and Islam have the same system of divinity. It is monotheism. Keywords: Harry Potter, Deathly Hallows, Semiotic, and Islamic values. 
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Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga