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Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
ABDUL AZIS, NIM. 10710017
2015-12-17 04:34:41 
Abstract :
The background of the analysis basicly is adopted by three teenagers which have experienced a blindness since they were thirteen until twenty years old. The experience causes the spiritual dynamics which consequenly occasion to occur the spiritual conversion process. The condition’s change of the three informants effect them more intensively recognize the God as the way getting the quality of life. The aim of the analysis is to explain the spiritual conversion process happens to the blinding teenagers. It is begun from the steps of spiritual conversion process has been experiencenced by the blinding teenagers, the factors which ralate to the spiritual conversion process, and their assessment about theirself relate to the spiritual conversion process. This is the qualitative analysis that uses the study of phenomenology approach. In this analysis, the writer have chosen three blind teenagers as the informants and successors of the analysis. The ways to collect the datas are interview, observation, and documentation. The data analysis of the research is reduction of the datas, presentation or explanation, and conclusion of all the results of analysis. The results which will have been concluded by the writer is how can the spiritual conversion be developed in the blinding teenagers. So that, its able to build spiritual awareness and types of spiritual conversion. In other words, it unsimmilarly happens to the blinding teenagers, because they have different background. And the causes of their blinding and their past experiences before being blind which influence their life. 
Institution Info

Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga