Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
Ilmu Komunikasi
2016-01-08 03:54:29
Abstract :
Nowadays, the music could not be separated from the society, especially teenagers.
On each activtty, there must be the music. We often see the people while working,
driving a car, taking a rest, and get on sleep, listened the music. The reason why the
music seemed to dominate the social life, because the music are played on radio,
television, or internet. Currently the media growing rapidly by the technology and
communication. By development of the music, teenagers are becomes potential
consumer moreover becomes victim. The most of teenagers are using advanced
technology recklessly. Evidently, by the most of teenagers immoral videos are
circulated. It is very worrying when our nation very respect to cultural tradition and
morality. As music lovers and based on concern for teenagers, therefore the writer want
to research the moral messages in the lyrics of a song. The song ~hat became the object
is "Kenakalan Remaja Di Era Informatika" by Efek Rumah Kaca band. The reason for
the selection of the song is the frequency of listened.. the song and the band's reputation
as a band who create the creation based on events and social phenomena.