Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
2022-06-29 07:28:13
Abstract :
Research studies of clinical psychology has always had a lot of interest
among researchers, such as hardiness that one of clinical psychology that
describe the condition of person's internal psychological which becomes a
character that appears on the things experienced so it can reach positive point of
achievement as well.
Research aims to know the hardiness dynamics of someone that memorize
al-Qur?an, become someone that memorize al-Qur?an is certainly not easy
noticed the number of chapters, letters, paragraphs and languages that need to be
learned. al-Qur?an is the word of the divine and a way of life for Muslims, so to
be someone that memorize al-Qur?an it takes a qualified individual criteria to get
the glory of life and meet their obligations.
Subjects in this study are person who had finished memorizing al-Qur?an
have about 30 chaptersthat live in Yogyakarta, with no age limit. Subjects in this
study were 3 people, one of them is a man and two are women. While the
significant other of first subject were three, and for the second and third subjects
amounted to two of each subject were very close and know about subject when
memorizing al-Qur?an.
Research was conducted using qualitative methods with phenomenological
approach and analyzed using coding techniques. The results showed that the
dynamics of resilient generate meanings of the Qur'an itself. This process arises
from the fulfillment of three aspects of hardiness, they are commitment that comes
from a strong intention and motivation, undergo and believe. While, control is an
effort that done, such as looking for a strategy, diligent and hard working, and
look for external motivation. Final challenge relates to the readiness of a
someone who memorizes Qur'an in risk taking during memorizing and accepting
new things that are external. It is endorsed by the meaning that contained in
someone who memorizes al-Qur'an that makes al-Qur'an as a means to the glory
of the afterlife, and the guide of life to strengthen faith. Not only that, the Qur'an
is also used as offering the afterlife glory for perents of someone who memorizes