Abstract :
Cigarette is a product leads to pros and cons among people. Negative effects due to smoking is not in doubt, containing substance in cigarettes becomesthe indicator of the occurrence of various diseases for cigarette consumer (smokers). The government has issued a rule requiring cigarette manufacturers to label the dangers of smoking by setting indicators that must be obtained during production. The label is intended to warn smokers on the dangers caused by the products they consume, so that smokers may reduce theirsmoking intensity or even quit. But the real fact shows that smokers keep on consuming cigarette without heeding the warning label.
This study aims to determine the perception of active smokers in response to smoking warning label with the community of Suryoputran, Panembahan Village, Kraton District, Yogyakarta as a research subject. The descriptive method with qualitative approach is used in this research. Data collection method consist of interview process, literature study, and documentation. The data is validated using data triangulation method.
The results of the research referred to the theory of Prof. Dr.Alo Liliweri, M.S. on how the human perceptual processing stages occur, shows that human way in interpreting a stimulus (smoking warning labels), past experiences, and personal interests are important factor in shaping human perception. There is no perception that is objective, but they do interpretations based on past experience and interests.