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Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
Ilmu Agama Islam 
2015-04-13 02:57:37 
Abstract :
This research aims at revealing moral educational values which were mainly postulated by Imam syafi’i and Ahmad Syauqi through their poems. It is mostly intended to offer contribution for current educational system which, according to the reseacher, is still unbalance between transformation of moral values and science. As literary study, the primary data is acquired from the work of Imam syafi’i and Ahmad Syauqi which particulary pertain to moral education while the secondary data through be both poetries of Imam syafi’i and Ahmad Syauqi is taken from other reseachers conducting previous study in relation with moral values. The study utilizes purposive sampling or quota sampling method. It is on orderly taken sampling method based on certain concideration relating to educational values abd moral in particular. The study applies receptive theory focusing on the readers’ role in term of evaluation of leterary work to make the become estetical subjects. In eddition, theories on values and educations are also used as the formal object of the study. To collect data, the study takes documentation is a method thet includes collection, clasification, comparison and analysis. To analyze the data the inter-textual and content analysis method is applied in this study. Inter-textual analysis is conducted to know, distinguish and compare teh hypo-gram texts and their transformation in which the edicational values are headed towards basic values (religion). Hence, got’s revelation and prophet’s tradition can be concidered as hypo-gram as well. The content analysis is done to interpret and scrutinize the object of the study i.e the poems. It can be seen from the study that the moral educational values posed by Imam Syafi’i in the 8th century and Imam Ahmad Syauqi arround the 19th century mainly deal with dicipline, aotonomy, honesty, loyality, tolerance, care, cooperations, and conformity. Those values are chalengess and both have no essential difference for they derive from the Qur’anic values and prophet so that their existence will last eternally. If the difference takes place, it is chiefly caused by demands and the local need at that time. The study reveals a fact that the educational values set by Syafi’i and Ahmad Syauqi has not been accomplished in the educational process, nor can they influence the National education system yet. Real contribution offered by this study is to expose the values of moral education from Syafi’i and Syauqi’s works and their relationship to the current educational system. The theoritical contribution provides insight to the entire communities, who are actively involved in education, particulary the academicians to integrate and interconnect the moral values in education as it was implemented by Syafi’i and Syauqi. It is only way to achieve the ideal of National Education as formulated in UU Sisdiknas (Codes of National Educational System) Chapter II Aricle 3.  
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Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga