Abstract :
This research discusses the effectiveness of the classical methods in user
education in 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School Libraries Years 2011/2012. This
research aimed to determine the extent of effectiveness of using classical methods
in educational users activities at the 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School libraries
Years 2011/2012. This study uses descriptive quantitative survey approach, data
collection methods used were observation, documentation and questionnaires. The
variables in this study using a single variable. This study population is students 1
Yogyakarta Senior High School Libraries Years 2011/2012 amounting to 284
students. He sample size 20% of the population. Sampling using incidental
sampling with a total sample of 57 respondents. Analysis of data using Product
Moment Correlation formula with SPSS 12 for windows version and the data
processed by a sentence containing conclusions. Based on these results, showing
that the effectiveness of the classical methods in user education in 1 Yogyakarta
Senior High School libraries included in the category of proven effective enough
with the Grand Mean of 3.02. The study is expected to provide input to the
librarian 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School libraries to use other methods more
effective, so that user education activities can be effective for the next generation.
By using an effective method of user education is expected to provide knowledge
about the library.
Keywords: Effectiveness, User Education