Abstract :
When studying English, students have to master four English skills, they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. A few of them considered that speaking is one of the difficulties things, not only because English is as foreign language, but also some factors such as psychological, social and cultural that must all work together when learner speak. Sometimes learners feel difficult to acquire speaking skill because they are shy, nervous, afraid to make mistake with their pronunciations, and not have confident to say something in English. By practicing their speaking routinely, students can know how to pronounce well, use vocabulary and intonation correctly, and practice sociolinguistic. English speech is one technique to practice speaking English because it can help students exercising their freedom of speech, conveying their opinions or ideas. In teaching speaking skill, fluency is a one of the speaking skills goal. Although students master the other elements of language skill, but they havent been able to speak fluently which is not complete to master English. Fluency is very important at this skill so that students need to practice freely without fear at every little mistake. MA Mambaus Sholihin have extracurricular to improve students language skill, it is English Speech Training which is held once a week. English Speech Training must be followed by whole of students MA Mambaus Sholihin Gresik.