Apologizing Strategies Used By English Department Students Of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya
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Ilmy Harisma Hasyim (STUDENT ID :
Zuliati Rohmah (LECTURER ID : .)
Bahasa Inggris 
2019-12-05 03:19:52 
Abstract :
Communication is part of society. Without communication, human being cannot deal with their live normally. Generally, it helps people to connect with others. Human communicate using a term called language. Language is a device that can be optimized by human itself for communicating. But misunderstanding sometimes occurs in the conversation with the others. It can occur because both of the speakers and the hearers have different characteristics. When misunderstanding occurs and hurts or violates someone, his/her face need to be restored, the term of apology begins to occur.Based on the reasons above, this study to use apologizing strategies used by English Department students of State Islamic University SunanAmpel Surabaya, in the eighth semester Therefore, the data of this study is fully taken from the conversations by English Department Students of State Islamic University SunanAmpel Surabaya. Thus, the writer applies Apologizing Strategies theory by Bergman and Kesper (1993) to conduct the research. This research uses descriptive which means that the analysis is based on text. Twelve (12) English Department students in the eighth semester is data source and the conversations and the words are the data which the writer has transcribed from the recording conversation by English Department students of State Islamic University SunanAmpel Surabaya in the eighth semester The instrument of making this thesis are the Hand Phone to record the conversation, PC to input the data and stationary.By the end of research, many kinds the data of apologizing strategies are classified. Afterwards, the writer explained the data apologizing based on apologizing theory. In this case, the writer finds there are seven sub strategies used by English Department students of Islamic University SunanAmpel Surabaya, in the eighth semester. They are lacking of Intent, admission of fact, excusing, justification, problematizing a precondition, denial and effort to appease. And there are four sub strategies which the writer unable to elaborate in this research, they are self blaming, claiming ignorance, concern for offended party and promise forbearance. Furthermore, the writer governed the result there are three strategies that are much preferable to others as they are employed to high frequency. Those three strategies are downgrading responsibility, taking on responsibility, and using IFID (Illuccuitionary Force indicating Device). Thus, the writer explained the possible purpose from each apologizing strategies occurs based on the conversation by English Department students of State Islamic University SunanAmpel Surabaya. In this case, the writer governed the result that the main of possible purpose from apologizing strategies occurs in the each conversation by English Department students in the eighth semester is maintaining the relationship between speaker and the hearer. 
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