Pengaruh Pyhsical Aspect, Reliability, Personal Interaction, Problem Solving, dan Policy terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Ritel ( Studi pada Chandra Supermarket & Dept. Store Metro )
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Universitas Lampung
Adhelina Putri L. Tobing, 0856051001
2015-05-27 08:31:09 
Abstract :
THE INFLUENCE OF PHYSICAL ASPECT, RELIABILITY, PERSONAL INTERACTION, PROBLEM SOLVING, AND POLICY TOWARDS RETAIL CUSTOMER LOYALTY ( Studies in Chandra Supermarket & Dept. Store Metro Customer ) By ADHELINA PUTRI L. TOBING The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of physical aspect, reliability, personal interaction, problem solving, and policy towards Chandra Supermarket & Dept. Store Metro consumer loyalty. To take the sample, we used accidental sampling method. This research used 100 correspondences as the sample and used mutiple linear regression in analyzing the data. Based on the result of this research are as simultaneous and partial, physical aspect, reliability, personal interaction, problem solving, and policy there is a significant influence towards the consumer loyalty. We suggest that Chandra Supermarket & Dept. Store Metro to more increase heir services and give the best facilities for consumers to get continued customer loyalty. Keyword: Services Quality, Physical Aspect, Reliability, Personal Interaction, Problem Solving, Policy, Consumer Loyalty 
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Universitas Lampung