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Universitas Lampung
Fadilah Suci, 1117021021
2015-05-28 03:45:34 
Abstract :
KOMBINASI KOTORAN TERNAK (AYAM, KAMBING, DAN KUDA) SEBAGAI MEDIA KULTUR PERTUMBUHAN Daphnia sp. COMBINATION OF ANIMAL WASTE (CHICKEN, GOAT, AND HORSE) FOR CULTURE MEDIA Daphnia sp. Suci, F.1, S. Murwani2, Tugiyono2, E. L. Widiastuti2 1Jurusan Biologi FMIPA, Universitas Lampung 2Dosen Jurusan Biologi FMIPA, Universitas Lampung Email : ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan populasi dan laju pertumbuhan Daphnia sp. pada beberapa media yang menggunakan kotoran ayam, kotoran kuda, kotoran kambing, dan kombinasi kotoran tersebut serta mengetahui media kultur terbaik dalam menunjang peningkatan populasi Daphnia sp. Disamping itu penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara kepadatan fitoplankton media dengan kepadatan Daphnia sp. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari enam perlakuan yang diulang 3 kali, yaitu P1: kotoran ayam 100%, P2: kotoran kambing 100%, P3: kotoran kuda 100%, P4: kotoran ayam 50% + kotoran kambing 25% + kotoran kuda 25%, P5: kotoran kambing 50% + kotoran ayam 25% + kotoran kuda 25%, P6: kotoran kuda 50% + kotoran ayam 25% + kotoran kambing 25%. Parameter yang diamati adalah kepadatan populasi Daphnia sp., laju pertumbuhan populasi spesifik, pertumbuhan fitoplankton sebagai pakan Daphnia sp., uji proksimat (kotoran ayam, kambing, kuda, dan kombinasinya), dan kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi kotoran ternak (ayam, kambing, dan kuda) memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap kepadatan populasi Daphnia sp. (p<0,05) serta berpengaruh nyata juga terhadap laju pertumbuhan populasi spesifik Daphnia sp. (p<0,05). Perlakuan P4 kombinasi kotoran ayam 50% + kotoran kambing 25% + kotoran kuda 25% menghasilkan kepadatan puncak populasi Daphnia sp. terbaik sebesar 1.840 individu/L dan laju pertumbuhan populasi spesifik sebesar 56,51%/hari. Kata kunci: Daphnia sp. , kotoran ternak, laju pertumbuhan spesifik. ABSTRACT This aims of the study was to determine the increase in population and the growth rate of Daphnia sp. in media consisted of manures : chicken, horse, and goat, as well as their combinations, and also to identify the best quality of media which support the Daphnia sp. population growth. The study was also to determined corelation between density of phytoplankton on the media and Daphnia sp. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD), which consisted of six treatments with each three replications, namely P1: 100% chicken manure, P2: 100% goat manure, P3: 100% horse manure, P4: 50% chicken manure + 25% goat manure + 25% horse manure, P5: 50% goat manure + 25% chicken manure + 25% horse manure, P6: 50% horse manure + 25% chicken manure + 25% goat manure. The observed parameters were the population density of Daphnia sp. , a specific population growth rate, the growth of phytoplankton, proximate values (chicken manure, goats, horses, and combinations thereof), and water quality. The results showed that the combination of animal manure (chicken, goats, and horses) provided significant effect on population density of Daphnia sp. (p <0.05) and a significantly effect also on the specific growth rate of Daphnia sp. population (p <0.05). The treatment P4 which was combination of chicken manure 50% + 25% goat manure + 25% horse manure yielded the highest density populations of Daphnia sp. of 1.840 ind /l and the specific population growth rate was 56,51% / day. Keywords: Daphnia sp. , manure, specific growth rate.  
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Universitas Lampung