Universitas Negeri Medan
Dian Citra Natalia Zebua (STUDENT ID : 408131043)
Retno Dwi Suyanti (LECTURER ID : 1966012619991032003)
LB1025 Teaching (Principles and Practice)
2016-08-12 09:35:21
Abstract :
ABSTRACThis research aims to know the effectiveness of quatun teaching model with multimedia to increase students achievement on topic hydrocarbon in bilingual school (RSBI).The type of this research include as quasi experiments. Population in this research is all students class X, semester II SMA N1 Lubukpakam, that consist of 9 class, with 243 students. Sampling was done by simple random sampling by taking two classes from 9 randomized, that is class X-1 as the experimental class and class X-6 as the control class, total number of sample is 42 from two classes. The instrument that used to know students achievement is multiple choice question with 18 item test that have been tested the eligiblity before used as instrument test. Based on reability test is obtained that rcount > rtable, with value rcount is 0.843 and rtable is 0.361Result of research give the average value of pre-test from experiment class is 28.83 ± 7.57 and average value from control class is 80.14 ± 6.46. From normality test of all samples, known count is 10.86 and table is 11.07, so is obtained that count< table, that means the data from samples is normally distributed. From homogeinity test known Fcount is 1.14 and Ftable is 2.12 or Fcount ttable, it means that Ha is received and Ho is rejected, it can be concluded that the students achievement that taught by quantum teaching model with using multimedia is significant higher than expository method in topic Hydrocarbon. The percent effectiveness of teaching using quantum teaching model with multimedia is 16%. The cognitive aspect that improved in experiment class is obtained that Knowledge aspect (C1) is the aspect that most improved with normalized gain of each domain is knowledge (C1) is 0.93, comprehension (C2) is 0.81, application (C3) is 0.69 and analysis (C4) is 0.66.