Abstract :
This study was aimed at finding the types and the realization of the translation procedures used in translating the folktale Putri Bunga Melur ? Princess Jasmine from Source Language (SL) Indonesian into Target Language (TL) English. This study was conducted by using
descriptive qualitative method. The data of this study were all of sentences found in the the folktale Putri Bunga Melur ? Princess Jasmine. The data were analyzed by using Newmark?s theory of translation procedures. The writer found there were five types of procedures used in
translating the folktale of Putri Bunga Melur ? Princess Jasmine, namely transference (0.85%), transposition (15.25%), modulation (14.40%), and in the realization of the classification of translation procedures, not all types of the translation procedures fully used in the sentence level, that only five out of eleven types found in the folktale of Putri Bunga Melur ? Princess Jasmine as there were no complete literal, naturalization, cultural equivalent, descriptive equivalent in the purely level of sentence.