Hubungan Antara Dukungan Sosial Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Pre Operasi Pada Pasien Rawat Inap RSAU DR. S. Hardjolukito Yogyakarta (no CD)
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Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta
Fajaryati, Dian
Isnaeni, Yuli
BF Psychology 
2017-12-27 05:42:54 
Abstract :
Anxiety can be felt by the patients if they have to conduct surgery. It can be reduced b y using social support from the family, partner and health officials. The objective of this research was aimed at knowing the correlation between the social support and anxiety level before surgery to the patient in RSAU Dr. S Hardjolukito Yogyakarta. This study is correlational design with the cross sectional approach. The population were the patients who will have surgery in RSAU Dr. S. Hardjolukito. The instrument used in this research was purposive sampling . The data from the samples were analyzed by us ing Pearson Product Moment correlational test. The average points of the anxiety level felt by the patient before they have surgery was 55, 3 % while the average points of the social support was 63, 2 %. The research showed that there was correlation b etween the social support and the anxiety before surgery to the patients in RSAU Dr. S. Hardjolukito Yogyakarta. It was because the r count bigger than r table (0, 541 > 0, 329) with p value 0,000 ( p < 0,05). The conclusion of this research showed that t he raise of social support can less the patient’s anxiety. It suggest for health officials to give the support morally and also the health facilities to reduce the anxiety felt by the patients. 
Institution Info

Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta