Abstract :
Purposes ? Purpose of this study is study is to find out factors that caused workers perception
toward site environment and job satisfaction based on Job Satisfaction Survey by Spector.
Research Limitation ? This Study just measure job satisfaction of construction building
worker in Yogyakarta. There are fourty respondent joined this study. Because of the small
amount of respondent this study cannot reperesent job satisfaction of construction building
workers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Metodology ? This study is explanatory research.
Questionnaire as the method to collect data. The data will be analyzed using statistical
method by Microsoft Excell 2007 as the software. Findings ? This study find that nature of
work (mean: 4,22 ; sta. Deviation: 1,10) become the biggest factor that influence job
satisfaction of construction building worker in Yogyakarta. Following by coworkers factor
(mean: 3,96 ; sta. Deviation: 1,08), surpervisor factor (mean: 3,66 ; sta. Deviation: 1,25),
fringe benefit factor (mean: 3,56 ; sta. Deviation: 1,04), communication factor (mean: 3,53 ;
sta. Deviation: 1,30), payment factor (mean: 3,49 ; sta. Deviation: 0,87), operation condition
factor (mean: 3,31 ; sta. Deviation: 1,03) and contingent reward factor (mean: 3,23 ; sta.
Deviation: 1,20).
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Construction Building Workers in Yogyakarta