Abstract :
The basic concept of this research with the title ?Kawasan Wisata Budaya Desa Pagerharjo, Kecamatan Samigaluh Kabupaten Kulonprogo used the regional architecture approach. It is located in Pagerharjo village, which is an Environment Service Village, and has an area for culture, nature, and agro tourism (according to ?Perda Kabupaten Kulon Progo No.1 Tahun 2012?). This village has a variety and unique tourism objects as well as traditional dance such as the oldest jathilan and lengger in Samigaluh District. Pagerharjo village needs an area to give a place for art groups to be able to develop their talents, area for transit, to open new job oppotunities, and to be able to create a landmark of the culturer village area. The problem that will be solved, covers the form of building with concern of local culture through Regional Architecture Approach. The main problems of this research are suprasegment architecture, regionalism architecture, local culture, interior and spatial desigm, and the need of cultural tourism area. To solve the problem, firstly, the strategy is to combine the local culture with regionalism architecture in one form, structure, and material. Secondly, is to combine suprasegment architecture with regionalism architecture in interior and spatial design. The concept of regional showed by taking sample related to Pagerharjo Village included hill, waterfall, local forest, and village layout in every building designed within Pagerharjo cultural tourism area. The building is expected to covers all regional aspects in Pagerharjo village as well as becoming commercial and attractive area to local citizen.