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Universitas Alma Ata
Risintia, Yayuk
2018-04-10 06:12:32 
Abstract :
Latar Belakang: Hasil survey Depertemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia menunjukkan jumlah penduduk Indonesia sebanyak 252.124.458 jiwa. Masalah yang terdapat di Indonesia yaitu laju pertumbuhan penduduk yang relatif tingg]i. Program Keluarga Berencana di Indonesia masih terbilang rendah hal ini dapat dilihat dari kenaikan angka CFR yaitu pada tahun 2007 sebesar 61,4% dan 2012 sebesar 61,9%. Di DIY tahun 2014 ditemukan PUS sebanyak 552.422 dan peserta yang aktif KB 438.788 untuk MKJP sendiri tergolong rendah dengan jumlah peserta hanya 153.255.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui penggunaan kontrasepsi jangka panjang berdasarkan peran kader pada wanita usia subur Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Sempel penelitian ini adalah 48 responden yang menggunakan kontrasepsi di Puskesmas Sedayu I Bantul dari bulan November 2016 sampai dengan bulan Januari 2017.Hasil: Mayoritas responden usia 35-45 tahun 23 (47,9%). Pendidikan responden mayoritas SMA/SMK 24 (50,0%). Jenis pekerjaan mayoritas IRT 42 responden (87,5%). Jenis kontrasepsi yang digunakan mayoritas MKJP katagori IUD lebih banyak yaitu sebanyak 15 respoden (31,3%). Peran kader tentang MKJP pada wanita usia subur lebih banyak dalam katagori baik sebanyak 23 responden (92,0%), sedangkan lebih banyak dalam kategori kurang sebanyak 8 responden (34,8%). Kesimpulan: penggunaan kontrasepsi jangka panjang berdasarkan peran kader di Puskesmas Sedayu I bantul dalam katagori baik. Kata Kunci: Peran kader, MKJP, wanita usia subur. THE USE OF LONG-TERM CONTRACEPTION BASED ON THE ROLE OF THE CENTER IN WOMEN AGE IN THE PUSKESMAS SEDAYU I BANTUL Abstract Yayuk Risintia1, Susian Saryati2, Eka Nurhayati3 Background: The results of the Health Department of the Republic of Indonesia?s survey showed the population of Indonesia is 252.124.458 inhabitants. The problem in Indonesia is relatively high population growth rate. Family Planning Program in Indonesia is relatively low that can be seen from the increase of CFR rate i.e. in 2007 by 61.4% and 2012 by 61.9%. In DIY in 2014 found couples of childbearing age are 552,422. The active participants KB is 438,788, and for MKJP itself is low with the number of participants only 153.255.Objective: To determine the use of long-term contraception based on the role of cadres in women of childbearing age Method: This research used quantitative descriptive. Sample of the research was 48 respondents who use contraception at Sedayu I Public Health Center of Bantul from November 2016 until January 2017.Results: The majority of respondents aged 35-45 years 23 (47.9%). Education majority of respondents is SMA / SMK by 24 (50.0%). Type of work is majority housewives by 42 respondents (87.5%). The type of contraception used by the majority of MKJP IUD categories are 15 respondents (31.3%), implant by 9 respondents (18.8%) and 1 respondent (2.1%) of sterile. The role of cadres about MKJP in women of childbearing age in the good category is as much as 38 respondents (79.2%). The use of MKJP in the cadres role category is good as much as 23 respondents (92.0%), less as much as 2 respondents (8.0%) and non-MKJP use cadre role category good is as many as 15 respondents (65.2%) less category as much as 8 respondents (34.8%).Conclusion: the use of long-term contraception based on the role of cadre in Puskesmas Sedayu I bantul in good category. Keywords: the use of long-term contraception based on the role of cadre in Puskesmas Sedayu I bantul in good category 
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Universitas Alma Ata