Abstract :
Berdasarkan catatan Worlth Health Organization (WHO), di dunia ada sekitar 50-80 juta
pasangan suami istri mempunyai problem infertilitas dan setiap tahunnya muncul sekitar 2
juta pasangan infertil (ketidakmampuan mengandung atau menginduksi konsepsi) baru.
Tidak menutup kemungkinan jumlah itu akan terus meningkat. Berdasarkan penelitian dari
setiap 100 pada pasangan suami istri yang sudah mempunyai anak dan mereka
menginginkan anak kembali seperempatnya atau 15% berada dibawah kesuburan normal.
Tujuan Untuk mengetahui Gambaran Karakteristik Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) dengan
infertilitas. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, dengan pendekatan cross sectional, sampel
dari penelitian ini yaitu wanita usia subur sebanyak 94 orang menggunakan teknik
pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu rekam medis,
teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif. Berdasarkan analisis yang didapatkan
karakteristik wanita usia subur sebagian besar berdasarkan usia 20-35 sebanyak 88 orang
(59,4%), berdasarkan pekerjaan sebanyak 66 orang (70,2%), berdasarkan riwayat penyakit
yang ada sebanyak 45 orang (47,9%), berdasarkan lama pernikahan pendek (0-9) tahun
sebanyak 84 orang (89,4%). Simpulan Gambaran karakteristik wanita usia subur (WUS)
dengan infertilitas.
Kata Kunci : Gambaran karakteristik, wanita usia subur, infertilitas
Based on World Health Organization, in the world there are approximately 50-80 married
couples who have infertility problem and every year, there are around 2 millions of infertile
couples (unable to get pregnant or to induce conception). It is possible that the number will
continue to increase. Based on a research, every 100 married couples who have got children
and want to have child, one fourth or 15% of them are below normal fertility. Objective To find
outh the description of characteristic of women of childbearing age (WUS) with infertility. This
is a descriptive research which employed cross sectional design. The samples of the
research were 94 women of childbearing age. The samples were taken using purposive
sampling. The instrument used was medical record, and the technique of data analysis was
descriptive. Research result Based on the analysis, the characteristic of women of
childbearing age is as follows ? based on the age range of 20 -25 there are 88 women
(59.4%), based on occupation there are 66 women (47.9%), based on disease history there
are 45 women (47.9%), and based on the length of short marriage (0-9 years) there are 84
women (89.4%). Conclusion: The description of characteristic of women of childbearing age
(WUS) with infertility.
Key words: characteristic description, women of childbearing age (WUS), infertility.