Analisis Perbandingan Kredit Bermasalah Pada Bank Swasta Di Indonesia Periode 2012-2016 (Bank Bukopin, Bank Danamon Dan Bank Permata)
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Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Ratiwi, Ima
332_Financial Economics 
2019-07-24 08:29:08 
Abstract :
The purpose of holding this research is to know the comparison and development of bad debt at Bank Bukopin, Bank Danamon and Bank Permata. To find out what factors caused the bad debt on the third private bank in indonesia and analyze the efforts of countermeasures against bad debt on the third private bank in indonesia. The methods used in the final project report researcher is using descriptive method. While the techniques of data collection undertaken by researchers used the technique of library studies and fieldwork techniques such as interviews and observations. Based on a comparison between the troubled credit Bank Bukopin, Bank Danamon and Bank Permata, the average NPL rate of the highest Bank Permata with average NPL 4.38%, the average level of NPL in the 4th level of Bank Bukopin with an average NPL 3.08% NPL average and the lowest Bank Danamon with average NPL 2.44%. With this can researchers view that NPL from third Banks above the average NPL is still under credit standards set by Bank Indonesia, namely 5%. 
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Universitas Komputer Indonesia