Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Widya Wiwaha
Djuniarsih, Eny
Suprihanto, John
Septiani, Irni
Manajemen Pendidikan
2018-10-22 02:51:16
Abstract :
Teachers Pervormeance Evalution at SD Negeri Bugel, is a research improve teacher performance SD N egeri Bugel Subdistrect Bagelen, Purworejo Regency.This research using historical comparisons analysis According to Nasir
( 2005: 58). Historical comparisons is a research of comparing the past data with the presens data meluding the results. The data Obtained from respodents, the data of SD Negeri Bugel, and analyzed intrviews with teacher to implement the ways to improve the teacher?s performence. Including comparing the resuuuults of teacher supervision for fove years, begining in 2013/ 2014 academic year until 2016/2017 academic year.
This research is cxpected to be useful for teacher and principals SD Begeri Bugel to improv the performance. Historical comperative studies conducted at Elementary school of Bugel, Subdistrict Bagelen Purworejo Regency . Teacher?s performence can be soen using 4 cometeniy of teacher, that inc ludes paedagogik competence, personl competence, social competenie and profesionl competence.
Based on the resevch tesults it can be conclude that thre are severrrral factors that make the performence of SD Negeri Bugel teeeachers is low, so it is necessary to apply some ways to improve the teachers pervormance of SD Negeri Bugel. Sub distriet Bagelen, Purworejo Regency. It hope can improve the teachers performance, so when teachers on duties will he optimrzed in learning services in school.
Keywords: Evalution, Performance, Teachers.