Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Widya Wiwaha
Purwanto, Tony Ade
Mahsun, Mohammad
Perpajakan dan Akuntansi Sektor Publik
2020-06-18 01:45:21
Abstract :
One of the successes of regional financial capacity in implementing regional autonomy is seen from the financial independence of the region. An area that is already independent in the financial aspect is expected to be able to carry out development and services to the community without expecting funds to be transferred from the central government. Measurement of the level of independence of this area there are several theoretical bases needed to carry out such calculations such as the Regional Budget Revenue and Expenditure (APBD), the Process of Preparation of Regional Government Financial Reports, and Analysis of Regional Government Performance. The process of measuring regional independence is carried out after calculating the original area, subsidies, and loans, these three data are the most important data in the calculation of regional independence ratio. The formula used to measure regional independence is:
Independence Ratio (IR) = (Locally?generated Revenue) / (Subsidy + Loan)
Keywords: Analysis of Regional Independence in the Government of Yogyakarta Special Province Period 2015 - 2017.