Abstract :
This study aims at examining the effectiveness of interactive drama in
teaching speaking for the eleventh graders of MA Mu’allimat NW Pancor in the
school year 2018-2019. Designed as a pre-experimental research by using one group
pre-test and one group post-test, it examined a sample of the eleventh graders of MA
Mu’allimat NW Pancor which consisted of 26 students. The data were analyzed
through descriptive statistics and paired sample t-test to test the hypothesis by using
SPSS 22 for windows. Based on the result of the analysis the mean score of pre-test
was 46.46 while in post-test was 73.69 it is mean that the mean score of post-test was
higher than pre-test. Meanwhile in hypothesis testing by using paired-sample t-test,
the present researcher found that there was a significant difference in the mean scores
between the pre-test and post-test, t(df=|25= -14.076 at p=0.000; meaning that Interactive
Drama was significantly effective in teaching speaking. Considering the process and the
results of this research, the present researcher suggested that the English teacher use
Interactive Drama in teaching speaking.
Keywords: Interactive Drama, teaching Speaking