Abstract :
This study aimed at examining the effectiveness of Course Review Horay
CRH method in teaching reading comprehension of descriptive texts for the tenth
graders of MA Mu`allimin NW Pancor in the school year 2018-2019. This
research applied experimental research. The population was the tenth graders of
MA Muallimin NW Pancor consisting of 7 classes. X Bahasa2 as the sample of
study consisted of 34 students. The research used in this research was multiple
choices test with 15 items. To analysis data, the researcher used SPSS, 22 for
windows. The result of the research was the mean score of pre-test (7.35) was
lower than the mean score of post-test was (12.94). After analyzing the data
using SPSS, there was significant difference in the mean scores between the pretest and the post-test, t (df=33) = 14.88 at p =0.00. Therefore, CRH method was
significantly effective in teaching reading.
Keywords: Course Review Horay (CRH), reading comprehension