Abstract :
The aim of this study was to find out the teachers’ and the students’ perception
about formal and informal assessment. This study was descriptive qualitative,
conducted at MA NW Kotaraja. The subject of this study was an English teachers and
30 student class of X IPS 2. The technique of collecting data was questionnaire and
interview. The instruments of the data collection were questionnaire with 10 item for
the students and interview guide for the teacher. The data were analyzed using
descriptive analysis technique applying by Miles and Hubberman model. The activities
of the data analysis were data reduction, data display, and conclusion
drawing/verification. The results of the study showed that teachers’ perception about
formal and informal assessment was a tool that help teacher to understand the students.
The teachers said that the data both formal and informal are valid because they do
assess appropriate with the procedure. When the teacher got complain about the score
from the students, the teacher will explain why they got a score like that. On the other
hand the students’ perception about formal and informal assessment was surprised.
There were 126 (42 %) who answered Strongly Agreed and Agree choices which
indicated they like informal assessment more than formal assessment. About 23 % were
choosed Neutral and the rest 35 % were choosed Disagree and Strongly Disagree which
indicated that few of the students prefer formal assessment. From the result above, it
can be concluded that the majority of the students prefer informal assessment in getting
their score.
Key Words: perceptions, formal assessment, informal assessment