Abstract :
The aims of this study were to know the teacher’s strategy, the teaching learning
process in the classroom, and the students’ response to the teacher’s strategy in
teaching listening. The design used in this study was descriptive qualitative.
Theparticipants of this research were an English teacher of SMAN 1 Montong
Gading. An interview guide, an observation form and questionnaire were used in
collecting data. The results of this study showed that the teacher used discovery
learning which was reasonable and suitable for the students, and the condition of
the school, even the school had limited facilities, the teacher solved this problem
by creative activities to complete the lack of facilities, the students’ response
about the teacher’s strategy was good because they agreed about the strategy that
their teacher used because it helps the student learn easily. The teacher should
improve her teacher strategies to optimize the results of teaching learning
Keywords: Listening Skill, Teacher Strategy