Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to find out teachers questioning strategy in
teaching English at SMK Negeri 1 Kopang and to know the improvement of the
students ability and motivation in learning English through teachers questioning
strategy. This research used qualitative method. The research took two subjects of
participants there were 2 English teachers and 10 students of SMK Negeri 1
Kopang. Data collection of this research was conducted through observation and
interview.The writer used narrative analysis to analyze the data. The result of data
analysis showed that the teachers used questioning strategies by applying some
types of question and performing the type questions in each season of teaching.
Using probing and factual question in asking question were dominant. It depends
on the material that teachers transferred to students.Otherwise, divergent question
is used only few time by teachers. The teacher also applied other strategies, it was
repeated the questions, emphasis the questions translated into Bahasa Indonesia and
sasak or mixed the questions. The research finding also showed the positive effects
from the use of questioning strategies which were applied by the teachers in English
classroom learning activity and also improved students’ ability and motivation in
learning English. It means teachers’ questioning strategy are accepted by them, both
teachers and students. The interpretation of data is teachers’ questioning strategy :
To improve students motivation in English classroom learning activities are more
effective in improving students’ ability and motivation in learning English. Finally,
based on the finding of the research the writer gave some suggestion. She hopes this
research will be useful for improving of education in indonesia.
Key Words : English teacher question, questioning strategy, students ability and