Abstract :
This research entitle an analysis of students ability in writing descriptive text
at the tenth grade of SMA Arrohman in the academic year 2018-2019. The subjects
of this study were the 20 students of X class. The present research investigated on
the descriptive writing text which had been done by the tenth grade students of SMA
Arrohman. This research used descriptive qualitative research as the design of some
research. The present researcher analyzed the students writing result referring to the
three aspects, they were grammar vocabulary and punctuation. This study was not
only aimed to investigating the students writing ability, but it was also aimed to find
out the students strength and weakness which would be classified into five levels
of classifications: excellent, good, average, fair, and poor. Based on the result of
the students test in SMA Arrohman which consist of 20 students’.3 (15%) students
were categorized very good, 3 (15%) students’ were categorized good, 5 (25%)
were categorized average, 2 (10%) were categorized poor, 6 (30%) were
categorized very poor. Based on the result of the test, students’ low in writing skill
especially in grammar, vocabullary and punctuation.
Key words: writing ability, d