Abstract :
This study aimed at examining the effectiveness of Simulation Technique in
teaching speaking. There were two purposes of study formulated: (1) To know
whether or not simulation technique was effective to teaching speaking for the eighth
graders at SMP Islam Nw Ajan in the school year 2017-2018. (2) To find out the
extents effectiveness of simulation technique for the eighth graders of SMP Islam Nw
Ajan in academic year 2017-2018. The design of this study was a pre-experimental.
The population and the sample of the study was the eighth graders which consisted of
34 students. The data collection used the pre-test, the treatment, the pos-test and the
instrument. To analyze the alternative hypothesis, the present researcher used a paired
samples t-test and One-Way Annova to look for homogenity. The mean score of pretest was 40.14 and the mean score of the post-test was 4.732. In testing hypothesis,
the present researcher found that t = 33.68 p = 0.000. The alternative hypothesis was
accepted. The present researcher concluded that Simulation Technique was
significantly effective in teaching speaking for the eighth graders of SMP Islam Nw
Ajan in academic year 2017-2018.
Key words: Simulation Technique, Speaking Skill.