Abstract :
This study aimed at examining the effectiveness of problem solving method
in teaching writing recount text for eight grade students of SMP Laboratorium
Hamzanwadi Pancor in the school year 2017-2018. The purpose of the research
were 1) is problem solving method effective in teaching writing recount text for
the eight grade students’ of Junior High School in the school year 2017-2018. 2)
how is the effectiveness of problem solving method in teaching writing recount
text for the eight grade students of Junior High School in the school year 2017-
2018. The research was a pre-experimental research. The population was 38
students and sample was 20 students. The instrument used in this research was
essay (Recount text). The result of mean score of pre-test was (47.65) and the
mean score of post-test was (75.45). It concluded was the data analyzed by using
cluster random sampling. The researcher found that there was significant
difference between the mean score before and after treatment, t(df=19) = 19.098 at
p = 0.001.
Keywords : problem solving method, teaching writing, recount text