Abstract :
This research aimed at finding out the teachers’ pedagogical competence
(especially in managing classroom) in teaching English for young learners at junior
high school in school year 2018-2019. In this research there are five research
questions formulated as follow:How do the teachers able to manage young learner
classroom layout? How do the English teachers managing the classroom interaction
between teachers students and students teachers? How do the teachers roles when
teaching and learning process in the young learner classroom? When of teaching and
learning process in the young learner classroom, what the language used by the
teacher to teach and what the language used by the students in the classroom? How
the teachers way to dealing with diversity when they teaching English in young
learners classroom? Since the study concerned on the studies of pedagogical
competence especially in teachers’ classroom management in teaching English for
young learners, this research was included as descriptive qualitative research. The
subject of this study was 3 English teachers’ and 31 students of seventh grade junior
high school in the school year 2018-2019. The data this research was collected
through observation, interview, and questionnaire. The result of the analysis showed
that five kinds of the teachers’ pedagogical competence could be applicable for young
learners in teaching English at seventh grade at junior high school. That was able to
manage young learners’ classroom layout, interaction between teachers’ students and
students teachers’ was very good, teachers roles was very significant to raise the
students’ ability in English language, used language combining when the teaching
and learning process, used the fun method to dealing with diversity.
Keywords: Teachers pedagogical competence, teaching English for young