Abstract :
In teaching and learning process especially in teaching speaking, there are so
many problems that must be solved and repaired by the teacher, such as ;
strategies, techniques and approaches. The English teacher should be able to have
ability in their subject including cooperation and patient is needed so much. As
facilitator and mediator, the English teacher should be able to solve and look for
the way out of the problem of their students’ problems. They have to use the
appropriate method based on their students need. In this case, life dictionary is one
way or method that hoped to develop students’ speaking ability. Based on the
statement of the problems, the destinations of this research are: (1) Is there any
effectiveness of life dictionary toward students’ speaking ability for the eighth
grade of MTs. NW mamben lauk? (2) To what extent is the effectivness of life
dictionary in learning speaking? This study was categorized to experimental
research. The sample of the study is classified into one group; experimental group
then the group were given the same test and treatments in other ways, the
experimental group used life dictionary while the control group is not used it.
Further more the writer used verbal essays as the instrument of the study to get the
data and also used hypothesis testing to measure the students’ speaking ability.
After that, he analyzed the data which were obtained from the experimental group.
The result of the data analysis indicated that the eighth grade of MTs. NW mamben
Lauk gained high score on the post-test of life dictionary. It was the fact that the
life dictionary was indicated by the mean score gotten by the students that was 62,
39. It was also by the result of hypothesis testing that the alternative hypothesis
was accepted. It was provable that the t-table was lower than t-test, which is ttable was -53,962 and t-test was ,000 . The conclusion of this research indicated
that the experimental group that taught by using life dictionary has better ability
than control group.
Keywords: Speaking Ability, Life Dictionary