Abstract :
This study was carried out to describe the type of grammatical errors in
using simple present tense in writing descriptive text made by the second graders
of Study Program of English Language Education at Hamzanwadi University.
This study was also intended to give some contributions concerning the possible
causes resulting the errors. It is descriptive qualitative research. The second
semester of Study Program of English Language Education at Hamzanwadi
University in academic year 2017-2018 were chosen as samples. The instrument
and collecting data were writing test, questinnaire, and interview. The data were
analyzed by using decriptive qualitatively. The result of this study showed that
some type of errors in students’ writing were found especially in the case of
simple present tense. Those error deal with omission, addition, misformation and
misordering. According to the result of the study, many errors in the students’
descriptive text writing were due to several possible causes, such as students lack
knowledge of grammar accuracy and students didn’t really apply their knowledge
which means that they did not put control over grammar while in fact they know
the rules.
Keyword: Error Analysis, Simple Present Tense, Descriptive Text