Abstract :
This research aimed at examining the effectiveness of spelling bee game in
teaching vocabulary. The purpose of this research were to know is spelling bee game
effective or not in teaching vocabulary and to find out how effective is spelling bee
game in teaching vocabulary. This research was a pre-experimental research with pretest and post-test design. It was conducted at the eleventh graders of MA Darul Aitam
Jerowaru in the school year 2017-2018. The sample consisted of 27 students selected
by cluster random sampling. The collected data were submitted to a paired samples ttest by using SPSS 22 for windows. The mean score of pre-test was 12.81 while the
mean score of post-test was 15.14, meaning that the mean scores of post-test was
higher than the mean scores of pre-test. In this research, after submitting the data to
paired samples t-test found that there was a significant difference in the mean scores
between the pre-test and the post-test, t(df=26) = 21.857 at p = .000, meaning that the
alternative hypothesis was accepted. Spelling bee game was significantly effective in
teaching vocabulary for the eleventh graders of MA Darul Aitam Jerowaru in school
year 2017-2018.
Keywords: spelling bee game, vocabulary