Abstract :
This study aimed to describing students’ motivation in using English for
daily communication. The present researcher used descriptive qualitative method
in this study. It was conducted in MA Abul Barakat at the first grade of senior
high school. There were five students be participants. The data were collected by
interviewing the participants about their motivation in using English and observed
the student activity. The participants’ answer and the video of student daily
communication were analyzed to find out the motivation of the students in using
English in their daily communication. The analysis showed the most dominant that
motivate the student were (1) the students want to proselytize their religion to
other country (2) the student use English for getting the blessing of their teacher
because the school use bilingual language (3) the student want to continue their
school in abroad the student use English for getting the blessing of their teacher
because the school use bilingual language.
Keywords: Motivation, English, Communication.