Abstract :
This study aims to determine the effect of cybernetic counseling services
on student learning behavior XI IIS SMAN 1 Wanasaba. The type of research is
experimental research with pre-experimental design design with type one group
pre test and post test design. The population of this study was 104 students. The
sampling technique used is purposive sampling technique where the sample is
student of class XI IIS amounted to 3 people. Method of using interval scale
questionnaire instrument, which has been tested with test results of questionnaire
instrument has been valid and reliable. While the data were analyzed by using ttest
statistic to test the hypothesis. The results showed that cybernetic counseling
service was effective to improve students' learning behavior, it can be seen from ttest
analysis that showed tcount>ttable (7,478> 2,920), N = 3 and dk = 2 with 5%
significance level. Through this research, Counseling Guidance Teachers are
expected to utilize Sibernetic Counseling Services to improve students' learning
Keywords: cybernetic counseling service, student learning behavior