Abstract :
This study was aimed at finding the students’ problems in speaking English at MA Tarbiyatul Muslimin Dasan Maalan. The object of this research was the tenth grade students . The sample of this research consisted of 15 students in the tenth graders of MA Tarbiyatul Muslimin Dasan Malaan. In this study, the present researcher was interested in knowing students’ English speaking problem and factors cause of the problem faced by the tenth grade students at MA Tarbiyatul Muslimin Dasan Maalan. Case study research was used as design of this study. The data were obtained through the observation, questionnaire and interview. The research findings showed that the students problems in speaking
English were: Inhibition, nothing to say, mother-tongue used, and lack of grammar, vocabulary, pronounciation and fluency. Whereas, factors cause the problems were: the students felt English was difficult for them, nervous, never practiced speaking English, teacher did not invite students to do daily
communication activity in the target language everyday and teacher did not create interesting class and topic for students. Therefore, students were bored with English subject (not pay attention, talk to their friends and even sleep).
Key Words: speaking, speaking problems