Abstract :
This study was aimed at find out the effectiveness of “make a match
model†to teach the students in vocabulary. The design of research was pre-
experimental design. The population of this study was all of the eleventh grade
students of MA Darul Aitam Jerowaru. It consist of 77 students which are divided
into three classes, XI IPS A 27, XI IPS B 23, XI IPS C 27. Then, the researcher
took XI IPS C it consist of 27 students as the sample of this study. Meanwhile, the
instrument used to collect the data was multiple choice and matching item. From
the data analysis, it was found that the highest score of pre-test was 18, while the
lowest score was 7 and the highest score of post-test was 23 and the lowest score
was 17. The mean score of pre-test was 15.04 and the mean score of post-test was
20.48. after calculating paired sample t-test, the result showed that the value of t
(df= 26) -23.822 at level significant (2 tailed) p= .000 those result showed that, the
value of level sig (2 tailed) p= .000 was lower than 0.05 while t-test value was
higher than 0.05 so the alternative hypothesis (Hâ‚) was accepted and the null
hypothesis (Hо) was rejected. Thus it is suggested to the teacher to apply this
method in teaching vocabulary.
Key Words: Make a Match Model, teaching vocabulary.