Abstract :
RukyalAini.2017. The Effectiveness of Project Based Learning Method in
Teaching Writing for the Eighth Graders of MTs. Nw Rempung in the School Year 2017-2018.Undergraduate
Thesis. English language EducationProgram.Language and Art EducationDepartment Universitas HamzanwadiSelong.
Advisors: (1) Usuluddin, M.Pd. and (2) Slamet Riadi Jaelani, M.Pd.
Key Words: Project Based LearningMethod, teaching writing
This study was intended to know (1) Is Project Based Learning
Methodeffective in teaching writing of descriptive text for the eight graders of
MTs. Nw Rempung in the School Year 2017-2018? (2) To know how effectiveis
Project Based Learning Methodin teaching writing of descriptive text for the eight
graders of MTs. Nw Rempung in the School Year 2017-2018?.
The design of this research was a pre-experimental research design. The
sample of this research was 30 of 60 students of the eight graders of MTs. Nw
Rempung in the School Year 2017-2018. The technique of collecting data was
done administering pre-test and post-test to determine the mean scores, and a
paired sample T-Test was used to proved whether the alternative hypothesis was
accepted or not.
The result of counting the data using paired samples t-test, the present
researcher found that there was a significant difference in the mean scores
between the pre-test and the post-test, t(df=29) = -6.277at p = 0.001, meaning that
the null hypothesis was rejected and alternative hypothesis was accepted. It
implies thatProject Based Learning Method was significantly effective in teaching
writing of descriptive text. Considering the process and the results of this research,
It issuggested to the English teacher to use Project Based LearningMethod as an
alternative strategy in teaching writing of descriptive text.