Abstract :
This study aimed at determining the effectivenes of Assistance of
Computer Word Processor to teach writitng skill for the eleventh grade students
of MA Muallimat NW Pancor in the school year 2017-2018. The purposed of the
research were 1) to find out whether or not Assistance Computer Word Processor
is effective in teaching writing for the eleventh grade students of senior high
school in the school year 2017-2018 and 2) to know how effective Assistance
Computer Word Processor is in teaching writing skill for the eleventh grade
students of senior high school in the school year 2017-2018. This research was a
pre-experimental research. The population was 94 students and and sample was
30 students. The instrument used in this resarch was essay test. The present
researcher gave a pre test in the fisrt meeting, treatment, and post test in the last
meeting. The result of mean score of pre-test was (30.93) and the mean score in
post-test was (69.06). After analyzing through the data use SPSS, the researcher
found that there was significant difference between the mean score before and after treatment, t(df = 29) =48.42 at p= 0.000. After conducted the research,
present researcher found that using Assistance Computer Word Processor was
effective in teaching writing skill for eleventh grade students of MA Muallimat
NW Pancor. There is no doubt that the Word Processor was helpful tool in
improving students writing skill.
Keywords : Assistance Computer Word Processor, hortatory exposition text,
writing skill