Abstract :
Final results of the field analysis shown that the customer data entry
process at the Amanah Tulen Syariah Bank in East Lombok Regency is not
optimal. This is because the data processing is still manual. With the existence of
a Customer Data Processing Entry System at Amanah Tulen Islamic Bank of East
Lombok Regency, the authors design will help in processing data both storing
new data, changing, deleting and printing directly the required data. The system at
PT. BPR Syari'ah Tulen Amanah East Lombok is still manually, not yet having
interactive and efficient media. So there are still many people who do not know
about PT. BPR Syari'ah and how and what products are in PT. This BPR Syari'ah.
Not only about interactive media, but there is still much more needed. This is
what drives the need for improvement or even the creation of systems in the
implementation of work in making decisions quickly and precisely. Along with
current technological advances and its connection with the problems that occur at
PT. BPR Syari'ah East Lombok was demanded to follow the development of the
technology, so that the presentation of information regarding the Syari'ah Tulen
Amanah Bank of East Lombok could be presented efficiently and interestingly.
Keyword : System, Technology, Information