Abstract :
Ibnu Masud Islamic boarding school is one of the foundations in Labuhan Haji
sub-district, East Lombok which supports private education institutions at the IT
Middle School (Integrated Islamic Junior High School) and IT SMA (Integrated
Islamic High School) where the two levels of education are separated by type.
gender, namely SMP IT Putra and SMP IT Putri. In carrying out the teaching and
learning process at Ibnu Masud Islamic Boarding School at the SMP IT boys and
girls level, they have applied learning methods by utilizing technological
instruments. Currently the Ibnu Masud Islamic boarding school has a Computer
Laboratory which is used as a facility for teaching and learning students and
teachers. The laboratory is used to provide basic computer science knowledge to
students and female students. At this time in Ibnu Masud Islamic boarding school,
especially at the IT junior high school level, it was possible to copy learning
materials using a flash disk so that it took a long time. Meanwhile, to test multiple
choice questions, they still use the old method by distributing question sheets and
correcting them manually. This old method can be streamlined by building a
system that can include sharing of materials and testing online. Based on the
background described above, the researcher of this thesis took the title "Building
an E-Learning Application (Case Study) Islamic Boarding School Ibnu MasudLabuhan Haji-East Lombok". From the results of the discussion, it can be stated
that the e-learning application is in accordance with the system design that has
been made, so that e-learning can be used in the school concerned.
Keywords: E-Learning, Website, Application