Abstract :
This research was aimed to find out how is the effectiveness of a priority
material procedure in teaching speaking (Greeting and Farewell) at an Uncharted
Area (Kebon Talo SELONG). This research was quantitative research. The
subject of this research was the people who still studying in Junior High School
and Senior High School at an uncharted area (Kebon Talo SELONG) which
consisted of 8 people. The design of this study was pre-experimental design.
Dealing with the data, pre-test and post-test were given to the people at an
uncharted area. To analyse the data, the present researcher applied SPSS 16 for
windows. After submitting the data to paired sample t-test, the present researcher
found that there was a significant in the mean scores between the pre-test and
post-test, wich was t=(df=7 = 6.339 at p˃0,05, . It means that the alternative
hypothesis was accepted and the null hypothesis was accepted. In short, A
Priority Material Procedure was significantly effective in teaching speaking
(Greeting and Farewell) of people at an uncharted area. Considering the process
and the result of this study, the present researcher suggests that English tutor use
this Material Procedure in teaching speaking.
Key words: A Priority Procedure Material, Teaching Speaking, Greeting
and Farewell, People at an Uncharted Area