Abstract :
The objectives of the research were to describe the implementation of
using mingle games in improving the society lockdown speaking skill in
Pandemic era. The problems formulated in this study were (1) Is Mingle game
effective in teaching speaking? (2) How effective is Mingle game in teaching
speaking? The design of this study was pre-experimental design. The samples of
this study were ten people of society lockdown in pandemic era. The instrument
of this research was oral test by interviewed The society speaking achievements
were measured in terms of pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary , grammar and
comprehesion. To collect the data, a pre-test and a post-test were given to them.
To analyze the data, the present researcher applied SPSS 16 for Windows. After
submitting the data to paired samples t-test, the present researcher found that there
was a significant difference in the mean scores between the pre-test and post-test,
which was t(df=9) 17.294 at p < 0.05 it means that the alternative hypothesis was
accepted. Mingle game was significantly effective in teaching speaking for the
society lockdown in Pandemic era.
Keywords: speaking skill, mingle games