Abstract :
This study aims to determine the ability of eleventh grade students to
write interpersonal dialogue and to find out the students problem on writing
interpersonal dialogue. The method used in this research was quantitative
description. The population in this study was eleventh grade MA Sakinatul
Walidain NW Borok Gerung. In determining the sample in this study the
researchers used the saturated sample technique, where the saturated sample
technique was that all populations are sampled as research subjects. The total of
students in the eleventh class was twenty-one people consisting of 12 men and 9
women. While in collecting data, researchers used a writing test in the form of
writing interpersonal dialogue texts (essays) as an instrument, then the results of
student writing were analyzed using Microsoft Excel. Researchers found only 9
people who scored very high. 2 people get high scores, 6 people get the average
value category and 4 people get the low value category. The total value of
students was 66.85, which showed that the ability of students to write
interpersonal dialogue was categorized as low. Students compose on each
component of writing, namely content organization, vocabulary, grammar,
mechanic, but from this problem the majority of students' biggest mistakes
weremade up of mechanic grammar and vocabulary components.
Keywords: Students' Writing Skill, Interpersonal Dialogue