Abstract :
This study aimed at examining the effectiveness of focus group discussion
in teaching speaking. This research was pre-experimental research with pre-test
and post-test design. It was conducted at the eleventh grades of MA NW Perian in
the school year 2019-2020. The sample consists of 20 students. The sample was
taken using random sampling. The instrument was speaking test to collect the
data. The data were analyzed by using statistic 22 for Windows. The result shows
that Focus Group Discussion was effective in EFL learners with the mean score in
the post-test 64.00 which was higher than the mean score in the pre-test 53.25. For
the hypothesis testing resulted 00, it was lower than 0.05, This means that the
hypothesis was accepted. Hence, Focus Group Discussion was effective in
teaching speaking skill. Considering the process and results of this research, the
present researcher suggested that Focus Group Discussion can be used in teaching
Keywords: focus group discussion, speaking ability