Abstract :
This study was aimed at examining the application of WhatsApp group in
teaching writing for general communication for EFL learners. The statements of
the problem were formulated: (1) Is WhatsApp Group effective in Teaching
Writing in General communication for EFL Learners of the second semester in
English study program at Hamzanwadi University in The School Years 2019-2020
? (2) To what extent is the effeciveness of WhatsApp Group in Teaching Writing
in general communication for EFL Learners of the second semester in English
study program at Hamzanwadi University in the school years 2019-2020?. This
research was a pre-experimental methodology that involved one group of
experimental without control group. The data were analyzed by using SPSS 22 for
windows. The result of descriptive statistics indicated that WhatsApp Group was
effective with the mean score of post-test was 69.50 was higher than mean score
of pre-test was 55.40. After submitting the data to a paired samples t-test, the
present researcher found that there was a significant difference in the mean scores
between the pre-test and the post-test, t(df=19) = 11.315 at p = >0.1. It means that
the alternative hypothesis was accepted. WhatsApp Group was effective in
teaching writing at the second semester in English study program at Hamzanwadi
University in The School Years 2019-2020
Keywords: WhatsApp-group, teaching-writing, EFL-learners.