Abstract :
This research aimed at to know the values of character educations were
reflected in the life of ‘Aisyah R,A., through the review of the book Sirah Aisyah
Ummul Mukminin R,A, and to know the relationship of ‘Aisyah Ra, character
education, and its relevance to current education. The research method used was
library research, the type of approach is deductive and the method of analysis is
content analysis. Based on the research/analysis that has been done, that values of
educational character contained in the book Sirah Aisyah Ummul Mukminin r,a,
can be concluded in the study there are 35 character values namely :religious,
honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic,
curiosity, national spirit, love the country, appreciate achievements,
friendly/communicative, love of peace, like to read, environmental care, social
care, responsibility, be patient, fair, sincerely, trust, be brave, shy, humble, be
consistent, authoritative, optimistic, simple, courtesy, smart, gentle, generous,
Keyword: Character Education, Aisyah Ra, and Sirah Ummul Mukminin r,a.