Abstract :
This study was aimed at examining the use of Ice-Breakers (Simon
Says) in teaching vocabulary. The statements of problem were formulated: (1) Is
Ice-Breakers (Simon Says) effective for EFL learners’ vocabulary of the eighth
graders at SMPI Plus Tahfidz Al-Qur’an Sukarema in the school year 2019-2020?
(2) How is the application of Ice-Breakers (Simon Says) for EFL learners’
vocabulary of the eighth graders at SMPI Plus Tahfidz Al-Qur’an Sukarema in the
school year 2019-2020? This research was a pre experimental research with pretest and post-test design. The data were analyzed by using statistics 22 for
windows. The result of descriptive statistics indicated that Ice-breakers Simon
Says was effective with the mean score of post-test was 71.60 was higher than the
mean score of pre-test was 56.50. After submitting the data to a paired samples ttest, the present researcher found that there was a significant difference in the
mean scores between the pre-test and the post-test, t(df=19) = 6.79 at p = >0.1. It
means that the hypothesis was accepted. Ice-Breakers (Simon Says) was effective
in teaching vocabulary at the eighth grade students of SMPI Plus Tahfizd AlQur’an Sukarema in the school year 2019-2020.
Keywords: ice-breakers (Simon says), vocabulary