Abstract :
The formulation of the problem in this study was the concepted of village tourism management based on local wisdom. This research aimed to describe the concepted of potential management of local wisdom-based tourism villages in Aik Bual Village, Kopang District, Central Lombok Regency. The approach in this study used a qualitative research approach, the nature of the data collected is in the form of descriptive data. Retrieval of data sources in this study used the technique of "purpose sampling" that was the retrieval of data sources based on research choices about what aspected and who was focus at certain situations. Data collection techniques were used documentation, observation, and interviews. In testing the data creativity researchers done triangulation and member check. Activities in data analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.
The concept of Aik Bual tourism village management such as a) Carrying out activities that were traditional in nature, b) Used local accommodation and transportation as a value added tourism c) Traditional activities of the community as a tourist attraction, d) Making village awik-awik as an amplifier of local cultural traditions, e) accommodate local people as tourism movers; f) Used of social media as tourism information and promotion. Aik Bual Tourism Village management strategy based on local wisdom by designing a map of Aik Bual Tourism Village management based on local wisdom then designing local Aik Bual Tourism Village management scheme based on local wisdom, so it can be concluded that the concept of Tourism village management based on local wisdom offers an interesting and unique tourism concept, with to combine natural resources and local wisdom values that were supported by human resources.
Key word: Tourism Concept, Local Wisdom.